Study ‘Topology’

  • Reference
    • Colin, A., & Franzosa, R. (2007), Introduction to Topology: Pure and Applied, Pearson
    • Medelson (1990), Introduction to Topology: Third Edition, Dover Publication
    • Munkres (2000), Toplogy (2nd Edition), Pearson
    • 송형수 (2010), 위상수학: PBL 문제중심학습, 교우사
    • 송형수 (2007), 위상수학: 점-집합 위상수학의 기초이론과 연습, 교우사

After I graduate from the college

After I graduate from the college, I will go on to graduate school.

My interests are ‘data mining, machine learning, big data, statistics, artificial intelligence, evolutionary algorithm, graph theory, neural system, connectome’. However, the specific field is not determined.

In short, “I am interested in dealing with numerous data to understand complex systems.”